Why UX Design Matters (And How You Can Affect It)

6 min readMar 17, 2021

There’s no denying that regardless of the business you are in, UX design matters. Whether you are running a small family business, jamming on the startup of your dream, or are more than pleased with your executive role, you will always be combining two sides: perceiving user experience and creating it. Either way, you wish for a great user experience. Let us show you how we do it and in the meantime consider some facts that will come in handy if you’re planning to create a memorable user experience.

Rules for creating good UX design

1. It is about the user’s choice. First and foremost, about user experience — it is in every click, swipe, or scroll with which your client will either get closer or leave you forever even if your product is the best in the world.

2. Not but usability alone. Even though they are related, user experience is not the same thing as usability. UX design is the emotions and feelings combined into a single experience that will determine the effectiveness of your product or service in the digital environment. The main purpose of a good UX is to bridge the gap between what users do and how they feel about that.

3. Nothing personal. With defined marketing and sales strategies, labored client profiles, and polished products, how will you make a user follow a particular journey or visit your website at least twice? It is exactly the case when the simplest UX rule must be obeyed: put the customer first and think of each element that will accompany users every moment they interact with your product.

4. UX is not just about the user. Make your product inspirational, reasonable, and enticing — make it worth the experience a user would share. Not that we try to discourage the seasoned salespeople, but there is virtually no way to convince people to buy or use a product if they don’t need it. Sort out your priorities and resources and concentrate on building experiences that will make your product better.

5. It’s about being honest. A great product and good user experience are much easier to create with the focus on fresh ideas, your own imagination, and creativity. Those who simply copy others’ ideas take the wrong road from the very first step towards a user. Should you expect anything but a bad reputation and a lack of loyalty when you’re lying to people on the first date? Hardly.

Explore UX design

What UX design takes care of

To understand the value of the UX design, you should know how it impacts your product. Basically, there are 5 areas of UX design that make your product so appealing for the end-user:

· Usability. When you see “UX”, usability is what might come to your mind first. As we mentioned before they are not the same, but usability and UX are inseparable. One of the main objectives of the UX designer is to assure the product’s usability: users should use the product without any difficulties. Moreover, the designer should understand the user’s main pain-points and address them adequately.

· Utility. This area is related to the functionality of the product. In simple words, utility refers to how the product satisfies the user’s needs and whether it completes its end-goal. When a user feels that the product is useful, it creates value for them and makes them loyal to it.

· Functional Integrity. This one refers to whether the product works like it was intended to. Meaning there shouldn’t be any bugs, it should be well-made and functional. Because, as we all know, bugs are annoying and only the most loyal users will stick with the product that constantly fails them. Even if it has the greatest user experience.

· Visual design. One of the things that make users fall in love with your product is visual design. This helps your product to look well and improves significantly overall user experience. But be careful: the pretty looks won’t get you far if you forget about usability, functionality, and other parts of UX design.

· Persuasive. This part of UX design is focused not only to make people use your products but to complete the key tasks it was designed for. For example, if you’ve created an app to help users learn foreign languages, you would like them to spend more time on it. In this case, you would use gamification to make user’s more addicted to it.

UX and innovation

Digital advances would have stopped many decades ago without inquiring minds experimenting all the way. But discussing inventions in the UX world might seem an extremely trite idea, because there is no sense in, say, compiling something like “User Guide: How to Create UX Ingenious Inventions”. The important thing that its user-centric approach should drive UX forward. Encouraging UX innovations can simply mean minimizing time spent on a creative amount of nothing. Think instead, in what way your product will satisfy your clients, make their life easier and happier. Bring real, not commercial benefits to them, as no other did, this is where real innovations take place.

UX is crucial for successful digital transformation

Digital Transformation now is essential for any business. Even, if your company has implemented the latest technologies, it still requires modernization and updates from time-to-time. Here where UX can make the whole process the most efficient and profitable.

Today’s companies are not a fan of ambiguity as it is associated with risk and can cost them too much. But innovation and introducing anything new entails that risk in any case. In this case, UX is perfect for validating your ideas before jumping right to their implementation and, therefore, mitigating risks.

Moreover, UX as a user-oriented approach will help to achieve the ultimate goal of the digital transformation — simplifying complicated processes for users with the help of digital products. For example, if you want to create a great website for your company, you won’t be able to complete this without applying the UX process.

So, why UX design matters now?

The nowadays challenging business environment can raise a question for the companies forming their budget. How important is UX and whether it can be omitted? The answer is it is as essential as before and, in some cases, even more.

First of all, the pandemic made everyone go online. The company’s online presence matters now more than ever. And with the impatient modern Internet user, usability is a deal-breaker. If your website or app doesn’t satisfy specific user requirements, consider it a goner.

Secondly, with the tough economic situation, companies have to survive an extremely competitive business environment. Considering the number of people going online, the conversion rate is crucial. Here UX is a game-changer who can turn website visitors into loyal clients.

To sum up

With a coherent structure, the body of your UX design will always be attractive. Accessibility is the temper of the UX design. Make it easy-going and get rid of arrogance so that people will like it. Functionality is health. Sure you know what to do to keep it safe and sound. Finally, interactions stand for behavior, so influence it as much as you can.

Originally published at https://pixetic.com.




Pixetic is a digital agency driven by a passion for design. Agency aims to create unique digital products to reflect clients’ brand values and identity.